interests – projects – publications – seminars and invited lectures
Research Interests
The main research interests of Prof. Claudio Zaccone include:
- the mechanisms of carbon sequestration in soils and sediments;
- the evolution of organic matter in soils and sediments in relation to climate changes;
- the utilization of ombrotrophic bogs as archives of environmental changes (natural vs. anthropogenic) during centuries;
- the sustainable utilization of organic wastes and biomass (e.g., compost, sludge, biochar, digestate) in agricultural soils.
Recent Projects
[last 3 years]
“Carbon sequestration in vineyard: biomass utilization in a climate change scenario”. Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (MASAF) project, call 2023. [Principal Investigator, Jan.2024-Jan.2026]
A) Peer-reviewed articles (WoS-JCR) with Impact Factor
- Galluzzi, G., Plaza, C., Giannetta, G., Priori, S., Zaccone, C. (2025) Time and climate roles in driving soil carbon distribution and stability in particulate and mineral-associated organic matter pools. Science of the Total Environment, 963: 178511.
- Danise, T., De Castro, O., Zaccone, C., Guggenberger, G., Menta, C., Innangi, M., De Luca, D., Di Iorio, E., Turchetti, B., Fioretto, A. (2025) Implications of nurse species in mixed forest plantations management on soil fungal community diversity. Applied Soil Ecology, 206: 105892.
- Sofia, G., Sinatra, M., Tarolli, P., Zaccone, C. (2025) Upscaling drought resilience by coupling soil data and UAV-multispectral imageries. Science of the Total Environment, 958: 178007.
- Cassetta, M., De Bona, E., Sambugaro, A., Enrichi, F., Daldosso, N., Giannetta, B., Zaccone, C., Biesuz, M., Sglavo, V., Almeev, R., Nodari, L., Giordano, D., Mariotto, G. (2025) Fe-dependent structural evolution of peralkaline soda aluminosilicate glasses: iron speciation vs. glass transition. Chemical Geology, 674: 122561.
- Salini, A., Zuliani, L., Gonnelli, P.M., Orlando, M., Odoardo, A., Ragno, D., Aulitto, M., Zaccone, C., Fusco, S. (2024) Plastic-Degrading Microbial Consortia from a Wastewater Treatment Plant. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25: 12747.
- Díaz-Martínez, P., Maestre, F.T., Moreno-Jiménez, E., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Eldridge, D.J., Saiz, H., Gross, N., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Gozalo, B., Ochoa, V., Guirado, E., García-Gómez, M., Valencia, E., Asensio, S., Berdugo, M., Martínez-Valderrama, J., Mendoza, B.J., García-Gil, J.C., Zaccone, C., […], Plaza, C. (2024) Vulnerability of mineral-associated soil organic carbon to climate across global drylands. Nature Climate Change, 14: 976–982.
- Galluzzi, G., Plaza, C., Priori, S., Giannetta, B., Zaccone, C. (2024) Soil organic matter dynamics and stability: Climate vs. time. Science of the Total Environment, 929: 172441.
- Chen, M., Neupane, B., Zhan, X., Liu, T., Lin, Z., Gao, C., Zaccone, C., Bao, K. (2024) Three thousand years of Hg pollution recorded in mangrove wetland sediments from South China. Environmental Research, 252: 118866.
- Cid-Rodríguez, M., Cantonati, M., Spitale, D., Galluzzi, G., Zaccone, C. (2024) Using diatoms and physical and chemical parameters to monitor cow-pasture impact in peat cores from mountain mires. Science of the Total Environment, 926: 171779.
- Sinatra, M., Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Galluzzi, G., Squartini, A., Zaccone, C. (2024) Anaerobic digestate influences the carbon distribution in soil organic matter pools after six months from its application. Soil & Tillage Research, 239: 106049.
- Sofia, G., Zaccone, C., Tarolli, P. (2024) Agricultural drought severity in NE Italy: variability, bias, and future scenarios. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 12: 403-418.
- Liu, T., Bao, K., Chen, M., Neupane, B., Gao, C., Zaccone, C. (2024) Human activity has increasingly affected recent carbon accumulation in Zhanjiang mangrove wetland, South China. iScience, 27: 109038.
- Bombardi, L., Salini, A., Aulitto, M., Zuliani, L., Andreolli, M., Bordoli, P., Coltro, A., Vitulo, N., Zaccone, C., Lampis, S., Fusco, S. (2024) Lignocellulolytic potential of microbial consortia isolated from a local biogas plant: the case of thermostable xylanases secreted by mesophilic bacteria. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25: 1090.
- Fracasso, I., Zaccone, C., Oskolkov, N., Da Ros, L., Dinella, A., Belelli Marchesini, L., Buzzini, P., Sannino, C., Turchetti, B., Cesco, S., Le Roux, G., Tonon, G., Vernesi, C., Mimmo, T., Ventura, M., Borruso, L. (2024) Exploring different methodological approaches to unlock paleobiodiversity in peat profiles using ancient DNA. Science of the Total Environment, 908: 168159.
- Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Galluzzi, G., Benavente-Ferraces, I., García-Gil, J.C., Panettieri, M., Gascó, G., Zaccone, C. (2024) Distribution of soil organic carbon between particulate and mineral-associated fractions as affected by biochar and its co-application with other amendments. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 360: 108777.
- Zhang, Y., Shotyk, W., Pelletier, R., Zaccone, C., Noernberg, T., Mullan-Boudreau, G., Martin, J.W. (2023) Sources, Spatial-Distributions and Fluxes of PAH-Contaminated Dusts in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Environment International, 182: 108335.
- Giannetta, B., Caporale, A.G., Olivera de Souza, D., Adamo, P., Zaccone, C. (2023) Evidence of potential organo-mineral interactions during the first stage of Mars terraforming. Soil Systems, 7: 92.
- Santoro, V., Della Lucia, M.C., Francioso, O., Stevanato, P., Bertoldo, G., Borella, M., Ferrari, E., Zaccone, C., Schiavon, M., Pizzeghello, D., Nardi, S. (2023) Phosphorus acquisition efficiency and transcriptomic changes in maize plants treated with two lignohumates. Plants, 12: 3291.
- Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Cassetta, M., Mariotto, G., Benavente-Ferraces, I., García-Gil, J.C., Panettieri, M., Zaccone, C. (2023) The effects of biochar on soil organic matter pools are not influenced by climate change. Journal of Environmental Management, 341: 118092.
- Fontana, M., Johannes, A., Zaccone, C., Weisskopf, P., Guillaume, T., Bragazza, L., Elfouki, S., Charles, R., Sinaj, S. (2023) Improving crop nutrition, soil carbon storage and soil physical fertility using ramial wood chips. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 31: 103143.
- Sim, T.G., Swindles, G.T., Morris, P.J., Baird, A.J., Gallego-Sala, A.V., […], Zaccone, C., Zhang, H. (2023) Regional variability in peatland burning at mid- to high-latitudes during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 305: 108020.
- Cassetta, M., Giannetta, B., Enrichi, F., Zaccone, C., Mariotto, G., Giarola, M., Nodari, L., Zanatta, M., Daldosso, N. (2023) Effect of the alkali vs. iron ratio on glass transition temperature and vibrational properties of synthetic basalt-like glasses. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 293: 122430.
- Bona, D., Bertoldi, D., Borgonovo, G., Mazzini, S., Ravasi, S., Silvestri, S., Zaccone, C., Giannetta, B., Tambone, F. (2023) Evaluating the potential of hydrochar as a soil amendment. Waste Management, 159: 75-83.
- Cassetta, M., Vetere, F., Zanatta, M., Perugini, D., Alvaro, M., Giannetta, B., Zaccone, C., Daldosso, N. (2023) Micro-Raman spectroscopy for a comprehensive understanding of the structural evolution of Basaltic-Andesite and Trachybasalt multiphase systems. Chemical Geology, 616: 121241.
- Andreolli, M., Scerbacov, V., Frison, N., Zaccone, C., Lampis, S. (2022). Thauera sp. Sel9, a new bacterial strain for polyhydroxyalkanoates production from volatile fatty acids. New Biotechnology, 72: 71-79.
- Cavalli, E., Nardon, C., Willis, O.G., Zinna, F., Di Bari, L., Mizzoni, S., Ruggieri, S., Gaglio, S.C., Perduca, M., Zaccone, C., Romeo, A., Piccinelli, F. (2022) Near Infared Circularly Polarized Luminescence from water stable organic nanoparticles containing a chiral Yb(III) complex. Chemistry – A European Journal, 28: e202200574.
- Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Thompson, A., Plante, A.F., Zaccone, C. (2022) Iron speciation in soil size fractions under different land uses. Geoderma, 418: 115842.
- Giannetta, B., Cassetta, M., Oliveira de Souza, D., Mariotto, G., Aquilanti, G., Zaccone, C. (2022) Coupling X-ray absorption and Raman spectroscopies to characterize iron species in a karst pedosedimentary record. Soil Systems, 6: 24.
- Puglisi, E., Squartini, A., Terribile, F., Zaccone, C. (2022) Pedosedimentary and microbial investigation of a karst sequence record. Science of the Total Environment, 810: 151297.
- Schillaci, C., Saia, S., Lipani, A., Perego, A., Zaccone, C., Acutis, M. (2021) Validating the regional estimates of changes in soil organic carbon by using the data from paired-sites: the case study of Mediterranean arable lands. Carbon Balance and Management, 16: 19.
- Marangi, M., Airoldi, S., Beneduce, L., Zaccone, C. (2021) Wild whale faecal samples as a proxy of anthropogenic impact. Scientific Reports, 11: 5822.
- Bao, K., Zhang, Y., Zaccone, C., Meadows, M.E. (2021) Human impact on C/N/P accumulation in lake sediments from northeast China during the last 150 years. Environmental Pollution, 271: 116345.
- van Bellen, S., Shotyk, W., Magnan, G., Davies, L., Nason, T., Mullan-Boudreau, G., Garneau, M., Noernberg, T., Bragazza, L., Zaccone, C. (2020) Carbon and nitrogen accumulation rates in ombrotrophic peatlands of central and northern Alberta, Canada, during the last millennium. Biogeochemistry, 151: 251-272.
- Giannetta, B., Balint, R., Said-Pullicino, D., Plaza, C., Martin, M., Zaccone, C. (2020) Fe(II)-catalyzed transformation of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides across organic matter fractions in organically amended soils. Science of the Total Environment, 748: 141125.
- Zaccone, C., Schiavon, M., Celletti, S., Miano, T. (2020) Selected Plant-Related Papers from the First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019)–“Natural and Human-Induced Impacts on the Critical Zone and Food Production”. Plants, 9: 1132 [Guest Editorial].
- De Vleeschouwer, F., Baron, S., Cloy, J.M., Enrico, M., Ettler, V., Fagel, N., Kempter, H., Kylander, M., Li, C., Longman, J., Martinez-Cortizas, A., Marx, S., Mattielli, N., Mighall, T., Nieminen, T.M., Piotrowska, N., Pontevedra Pombal, X., Pratte, S., Renson, V., Shotyk, W., Shuttleworth, E., Sikorski, J., Stromsoe, N., Talbot, J., von Scheffer, C., Weiss, D., Zaccone, C., Le Roux, G. (2020) Comment on: “A novel approach to peatlands as archives of total cumulative spatial pollution loads from atmospheric deposition of airborne elements complementary to EMEP data: priority pollutants (Pb, Cd, Hg)” by Ewa Miszczak, Sebastian Stefaniak, Adam Michczyński, Eiliv Steinnes and Irena Twardowska. Science of the Total Environment, 737: 138699.
- Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Siebecker, M.G., Aquilanti, G., Vischetti, C., Plaisier, J.R., Juanco, M., Sparks, D.L., Zaccone, C. (2020) Iron speciation in organic matter fractions isolated from soils amended with biochar and organic fertilizers. Environmental Science & Technology, 54: 5093-5101.
- Vinci, G., Mazzei, P., Drosos, M., Zaccone, C., Piccolo, A. (2020) Molecular characterization of ombrotrophic peats by humeomics. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 7: 18.
- Giannetta, B., Siebecker, M.G., Zaccone, C., Plaza, C., Rovira, P., Vischetti, C., Sparks, D.L. (2020) Iron(III) fate after complexation with soil organic matter in fine silt and clay fractions: an EXAFS spectroscopic approach. Soil & Tillage Research, 200: 104617.
- Bletsa, E., Zaccone, C., Miano, T., Terzano, R., Deligiannakis, Y. (2020) Natural Mn-todorokite as an efficient and green azo dye-degradation catalyst. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27: 9835–9842.
- Bao, K., Zaccone, C., Tao, Y., Wang, J., Shen, J., Zhang, Y. (2020) Source apportionment of priority PAHs in 11 lake sediment cores from Songnen Plain, Northeast China. Water Research, 168: 115158.
- Segnana, M., Oeggl, K., Poto, L., Gabrieli, J., Festi, D., Kofler, W., Cesco Frare, P., Zaccone, C., Barbante, C. (2020) Holocene vegetation history and human impact in the eastern Italian Alps: a multi-proxy study on the Coltrondo peat bog, Comelico Superiore, Italy. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 29: 407-426.
- Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Zaccone, C., Vischetti, C., Rovira, P. (2019) Ecosystem type effects on the stabilization of organic matter in soils: combining size fractionation with sequential chemical extractions. Geoderma, 353: 423-434.
- Plaza, C., Giannetta, B., Benavente, I., Vischetti, C., Zaccone, C. (2019) Density-based fractionation of soil organic matter: effects of heavy liquid and heavy fraction washing. Scientific Reports, 9: 10146.
- Giannetta, B., Zaccone, C., Plaza, C., Siebecker, M.G., Rovira, P., Vischetti, C., Sparks, D.L. (2019) The role of Fe(III) in soil organic matter stabilization in two size fractions having opposite features. Science of the Total Environment, 653: 667-674.
- Plaza, C., Zaccone, C., Sawicka, K., Méndez, A.M., Tarquis, A., Gascó, G., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Schuur, E.A.G., Maestre, F.T. (2018) Soil resources and element stocks in drylands to face global issues. Scientific Reports, 8: 13788.
- Zaccone, C., Beneduce, L., Lotti, C., Martino, G., Plaza, C. (2018) DNA occurrence in organic matter fractions isolated from amended, agricultural soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 130: 134-142.
- Zaccone, C., Plaza, C., Ciavatta, C., Miano, T.M., Shotyk, W. (2018) Advances in the determination of humification degree in peat since Achard (1786): applications in geochemical and paleoenvironmental studies. Earth-Science Reviews, 185: 163-178 [with cover].
- Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Vischetti, C., Cotrufo, M.F., Zaccone, C. (2018) Distribution and thermal stability of physically and chemically protected organic matter fractions in soils across different ecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54: 671-681.
- Provenzano, M.R., Cavallo, O., Malerba, A.D., Fabbri, C., Zaccone, C. (2018) Unravelling (maize silage) digestate features throughout a full-scale plant: a spectroscopic and thermal approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 193: 372-378.
- Davies, L.J., Appleby, P., Jensen, B.J.L., Magnan, G., Mullan-Boudreau, G., Noernberg, T., Shannon, B., Shotyk, W., van Bellen, S., Zaccone, C., Froese, D.G. (2018) High-resolution age modelling of peat bogs from northern Alberta, Canada, using pre- and post-bomb 14C, 210Pb and historical cryptotephra. Quaternary Geochronology, 47: 138-162.
- Brusetti, L., Ciccazzo, S., Borruso, L., Belluci, M., Zaccone, C., Beneduce, L. (2018) Metataxonomy and functionality of wood-tar degrading microbial consortia. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 353: 108-117.
- van Bellen, S., Magnan, G., Davies, L., Froese, D., Mullan-Boudreau, G., Zaccone, C., Garneau, M., Shotyk, W. (2018) Testate amoeba records indicate regional 20th-century lowering of water tables in ombrotrophic peatlands in central-northern Alberta, Canada. Global Change Biology, 24: 2758-2774.
- Magnan, G., van Bellen, S., Davies, L., Froese, D., Garneau, M., Mullan-Boudreau, G., Zaccone, C., Shotyk, W. (2018) Impact of the Little Ice Age cooling and 20th century climate change on peatland vegetation dynamics in central and northern Alberta using a multi-proxy approach and high-resolution peat chronologies. Quaternary Science Reviews, 185: 230-243.
- Knicker, H., Rosario-Ortiz, F.L., Zaccone, C. (2018) Natural organic matter: chemistry, function and fate in the environment – Special issue in memory of Frank J. Stevenson. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18: 1209-1211 [Guest Editorial].
- Zaccone, C., Lobianco, D., Raber, G., D’Orazio, V., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M., Francesconi, K. (2018) Methylated arsenic species throughout a 4-m deep core from a free-floating peat island. Science of the Total Environment, 621: 67-74.
- Kempter, H., Krachler, M., Shotyk, W., Zaccone, C. (2017) Validating modelled data on major and trace element deposition in southern Germany using Sphagnum moss. Atmospheric Environment, 167: 656-664.
- Bragazza, L., Buttler, A., Robroek, B.J.M., Albrecht, R., Zaccone, C., Jassey, V.E.J., Signarbieux, C. (2017) Response to Editor to the comment by Delarue (2016) to our paper entitled “Persistent high temperature and low precipitation reduce peat carbon accumulation”. Global Change Biology, 23: e7-e8.
- Concheri, G., Stevanato, P., Zaccone, C., Shotyk, W., D’Orazio, V., Miano, T., Piffanelli, P., Rizzi, V., Ferrandi, C., Squartini, A. (2017) Rapid peat accumulation favours the occurrence of both fen and bog microbial communities within a Mediterranean, free-floating peat island. Scientific Reports, 7: 8511.
- Kempter, H., Krachler, M., Shotyk, W., Zaccone, C. (2017) Major and trace elements in Sphagnum moss from four southern German bogs, and comparison with available moss monitoring data. Ecological Indicators, 78: 19-25.
- Shotyk, W., Appleby, P.G., Bicalho, B., Davies, L.J., Froese, D., Grant-Weaver, I., Magnan, G., Mullan-Boudreau, G., Noernberg, T., Pelletier, R., Shannon, B., van Bellen, S., Zaccone, C. (2017) Peat bogs document decades of declining atmospheric contamination by trace metals in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands region. Environmental Science & Technology, 51: 6237-6249.
- Zaccone, C., Lobianco, D., Shotyk, W., Ciavatta, C., Appleby, P.G., Brugiapaglia, E., Casella, L., Miano, T., D’Orazio, V. (2017) Highly anomalous accumulation rates of C and N recorded by a relic, free-floating peatland in Central Italy. Scientific Reports, 7: 43040.
- Shotyk, W., Bicalho, B., Cuss, C.W., Donner, M.W., Grant-Weaver, I., Haas-Neill, S., Javed, M.B., Krachler, M., Noernberg, T., Pelletier, R., Zaccone, C. (2017) Trace metals in the dissolved fraction (<0.45 µm) of the lower Athabasca River: analytical challenges and environmental implications. Science of the Total Environment, 580: 660-669.
- Bragazza, L., Buttler, A., Robroek, B.J.M., Albrecht, R., Zaccone, C., Jassey, V.E.J., Signarbieux, C. (2016) Persistent high temperature and low precipitation reduce peat carbon accumulation. Global Change Biology, 22: 4114-4123.
- Shotyk, W., Appleby, P., Bicalho, B., Davies, L., Froese, D., Grant-Weaver, I., Krachler, M., Magnan, G., Mullan-Boudreau, G., Noernberg, T., Pelletier, R., Shannon, B., van Bellen, S., Zaccone, C. (2016) Peat bogs in northern Alberta, Canada reveal decades of declining atmospheric Pb contamination. Geophysical Research Letters, 43: 9964-9974.
- Shotyk, W., Bicalho, B., Cuss, C.W., Duke, M.J.M., Noernberg, T., Pelletier, R., Steinnes, E., Zaccone, C. (2016) Dust is the dominant source of “heavy metals” to peat moss (Sphagnum fuscum) in the bogs of the Athabasca Bituminous Sands region of northern Alberta. Environment International, 92-93: 494-506.
- Plaza, C., Giannetta, B., Fernández, J.M., López-de-Sá, E.G., Polo, A., Gascó, G., Méndez, A., Zaccone, C. (2016) Response of different soil organic matter pools to biochar and organic fertilizers. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 225: 150-159.
- Zhang, Y., Shotyk, W., Zaccone, C., Noernberg, T., Pelletier, R., Bicalho, B., Froese, D.G., Davies, L., Martin, J.W. (2016) Airborne Petcoke Dust is a Major Source of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Environmental Science & Technology, 50: 1711-1720.
- Shotyk, W., Kempter, H., Krachler, M., Zaccone, C. (2015) Stable (206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb) and radioactive (210Pb) lead isotopes in 1 year of growth of Sphagnum moss from four ombrotrophic bogs in southern Germany: geochemical significance and environmental implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 163: 101-125.
- Shotyk, W., Belland, R., Duke, J., Kempter, H., Krachler, M., Noernberg, T., Pelletier, R., Vile, M.A., Wieder, K., Zaccone, C., Zhang, S. (2015) Response to Comment on “Sphagnum mosses from 21 ombrotrophic bogs in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands region show no significant atmospheric contamination of ‘heavy metals’”. Environmental Science & Technology, 49: 6354-6357.
- Kluiving, S., van Mourik, J.M., Zaccone, C. (2015) Man versus Nature: natural and anthropogenic footprints recorded in the soil archives. Catena, 132: 69-71 [Guest Editorial].
- Abdeldaym, E.A., Erriquens, F., Sasanelli, N., Ceglie, F.G., Zaccone, C., Miano, T., Cocozza, C. (2014) Effects of several amendments on organic melon growth and production, Meloidogyne incognita population and soil properties. Scientia Horticulturae, 180: 156-160.
- Shotyk, W., Belland, R., Duke, J., Kempter, H., Krachler, M., Noernberg, T., Pelletier, R., Vile, M.A., Wieder, K., Zaccone, C., Zhang, S. (2014) Sphagnum mosses from 21 ombrotrophic bogs in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands region show no significant atmospheric contamination of “heavy metals”. Environmental Science & Technology, 48: 12603–12611.
- Zaccone, C., Cavoski, I., Costi, R., Sarais, G., Caboni, P., Traversa, A., Miano, T.M. (2014) Ptaquiloside in Pteridium aquilinum subsp. aquilinum and corresponding soils from the South of Italy: influence of physical and chemical features of soils on its occurrence. Science of the Total Environment, 496: 365-372.
- Zaccone, C., Rein, G., D’Orazio, V., Hadden, R.M., Belcher, C.M., Miano, T.M. (2014) Smouldering fire signatures in peat and their implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 137: 134-146.
- Zaccone, C., Quideau, S., Sauer, D. (2014) Soils and paleosols as archives of natural and anthropogenic environmental changes. European Journal of Soil Science, 65: 403-405 [Guest Editorial].
- Puglisi, E., Zaccone, C., Cappa, F., Cocconcelli, P.S., Shotyk, W., Trevisan, M., Miano, T.M. (2014) Changes in bacterial and archaeal community assemblages along an ombrotrophic peat bog profile. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50: 815-826.
- Senesi, G.S., Dell’Aglio, M., De Giacomo, A., De Pascale, O., Al Chami, Z., Miano, T.M., Zaccone, C. (2014) Elemental composition analysis of plants and composts used for soil remediation by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 42: 791-798.
- Kooch, Y., Zaccone, C., Lamersdorf, N.P., Tonon, G. (2014) Pit and mound influence on soil features in an Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 133: 347-354.
- Zaccone, C., Pabst, S., Senesi, G.S., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M. (2013) Comparative evaluation of the mineralogical composition of Sphagnum peat and their corresponding humic acids, and implications for understanding past dust depositions. Quaternary International, 306: 80-87.
- Poto, L., Gabrieli, J., Crowhurst, S.J., Appleby, P.G., Ferretti, P., Surian, N., Cozzi, G., Zaccone, C., Turetta, C., Pini, R., Kehrwald, N., Barbante, C. (2013) The first continuous Late Glacial – Holocene peat bog multi-proxy record from the Dolomites (NE Italian Alps). Quaternary International, 306: 71-79.
- Kluiving, S.J., van Mourik, J.M., Barbante, C., Zaccone, C. (2013) Soils as a Record of the Past. Quaternary International, 306: 1-2 [Guest Editorial].
- Kooch, Y., Hosseini, S.M., Zaccone, C., Jalilvand, H., Hojjati, S.M. (2012) Soil organic carbon sequestration as affected by afforestation: the Darab Kola forest (North of Iran) case study. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14: 2438-2446.
- Zaccone, C., Miano, T.M., Shotyk, W. (2012) Interpreting the ash trend within ombrotrophic bog profiles: atmospheric dust depositions vs. mineralization processes. The Etang de la Gruère case study. Plant and Soil, 353: 1-9.
- Zaccone, C., Casiello, G., Longobardi, F., Bragazza, L., Sacco, A., Miano, T.M. (2011) Evaluating the ‘conservative’ behaviour of stable isotopic ratios (δ13C, δ15N, and δ18O) in humic acids and their reliability as paleoenvironmental proxies along a peat sequence. Chemical Geology, 285: 124-132.
- Dell’Aglio, M., Gaudiuso, R., Senesi, G.S., De Giacomo, A., Zaccone, C., Miano, T.M., De Pascale, O. (2011) Monitoring of Cr, Cu, Pb, V and Zn in polluted soils by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13: 1422-1426.
- Zaccone, C., Sanei, H., Outridge, P.M., Miano, T.M. (2011) Studying the humification degree and evolution of peat down a Holocene bog profile (Inuvik, NW Canada): A petrological and chemical perspective. Organic Geochemistry, 42: 399-408.
- Cocozza, C., Parente, A., Zaccone, C., Mininni, C., Santamaria, P., Miano, T. (2011) Chemical, physical and spectroscopic characterization of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Del. residues and their possible recycle. Biomass & Bioenergy, 35: 799-807.
- Cocozza, C., Parente, A., Zaccone, C., Mininni, C., Santamaria, P., Miano, T. (2011) Comparative management of offshore posidonia residues: Composting vs. energy recovery. Waste Management, 31: 78-84.
- Zaccone, C., Di Caterina, R., Rotunno, T., Quinto, M. (2010) Soil-farming system-food-health: effect of conventional and organic fertilizers on heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) content in semolina samples. Soil & Tillage Research, 107: 97-105.
- Zaccone, C., D’Orazio, V., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M. (2009) Chemical and spectroscopic investigation of porewater and aqueous extracts of corresponding peat samples throughout a bog core (Jura Mountains, Switzerland). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 9: 443-456.
- Zaccone, C., Soler-Rovira, P., Plaza, C., Cocozza, C., Miano, T.M. (2009) Variability in As, Ca, Cr, K, Mn, Sr, and Ti concentrations among humic acids isolated from peat using NaOH, Na4P2O7 and NaOH+Na4P2O7 solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167: 987-994.
- Senesi, G.S., Dell’Aglio, M., Gaudiuso, R., De Giacomo, A., Zaccone, C., De Pascale, O., Miano, T.M., Capitelli, M. (2009) Heavy metal concentrations in soils as determined by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), with special emphasis on chromium. Environmental Research, 109: 413-420.
- Zaccone, C., Gallipoli, A., Cocozza, C., Trevisan, M., Miano, T.M. (2009) Distribution patterns of selected PAHs in bulk peat and corresponding humic acids from a Swiss ombrotrophic bog profile. Plant and Soil, 315: 35-45.
- Zaccone, C., Santoro, A., Cocozza, C., Terzano, R., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M. (2009) Comparison of Hg concentrations in ombrotrophic peat and corresponding humic acids, and implications for the use of bogs as archives of atmospheric Hg deposition. Geoderma, 148: 399-404.
- Zaccone, C., Cocozza, C., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M. (2008) Humic acids role in Br accumulation along two ombrotrophic peat bog profiles. Geoderma, 146: 26-31.
- Zaccone, C., Said-Pullicino, D., Gigliotti, G., Miano, T.M. (2008) Diagenetic trends in the phenolic constituents of Sphagnum-dominated peat and its corresponding humic acid fraction. Organic Geochemistry, 39: 830-838.
- Zaccone, C., Cocozza, C., Cheburkin, A.K., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M. (2008) Distribution of As, Cr, Ni, Rb, Ti and Zr between peat and its humic fraction along an undisturbed ombrotrophic bog profile (NW Switzerland). Applied Geochemistry, 23: 25-33.
- Zaccone, C., Cocozza, C., Cheburkin, A.K., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M. (2007) Highly Organic Soils as “Witnesses” of Anthropogenic Pb, Cu, Zn, and 137Cs Inputs During Centuries. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 186: 263-271.
- Zaccone, C., Cocozza, C., D’Orazio, V., Plaza, C., Cheburkin, A.K., Miano, T.M. (2007) Influence of extractant on quality and trace elements content of peat humic acids. Talanta, 73: 820-830.
- Zaccone, C., Cocozza, C., Cheburkin, A.K., Shotyk, W., Miano, T.M. (2007) Enrichment and depletion of major and trace elements, and radionuclides in ombrotrophic raw peat and corresponding humic acids. Geoderma, 141: 235-246.
- Zaccone, C., Miano, T.M., Shotyk, W. (2007) Qualitative comparison between raw peat and related humic acids in an ombrotrophic bog profile. Organic Geochemistry, 38: 151-160.
B) Book Chapters
- Zaccone, C., Adamo, A., Barberis, E., Celi, L., Ciavatta, C., Miano, T. (2024) Chapter 37. The Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry. In: Dazzi, C., Benedetti, A., Corti, G., Costantini, E.A.C. (Eds). Soil Science in Italy. Springer, pp. 667-672 (ISBN: 978-3-031-52743-2; doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-52744-9_37).
- Vinci, I., Obber, S., Ragazzi, F., Bini, C., Concheri, G., Garlato, A., Vitturi, A., Zaccone, C., Giandon, P. (2024) Chapter 27. The Development of Soil Science in Veneto. In: Dazzi, C., Benedetti, A., Corti, G., Costantini, E.A.C. (Eds). Soil Science in Italy. Springer, pp. 505-546 (ISBN: 978-3-031-52743-2; doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-52744-9_27).
- Mastrorilli, M., Loffredo, E., Lopez, R., Stellacci, A.M., Zaccone, C. (2024) Chapter 20. The Development of Soil Science in Apulia. In: Dazzi, C., Benedetti, A., Corti, G., Costantini, E.A.C. (Eds). Soil Science in Italy. Springer, pp. 369-381 (ISBN: 978-3-031-52743-2; doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-52744-9_20).
- Corti, G., Altobelli, F., Chiti, T., Buscaroli, A., Colombo, C., Freppaz, M., Giannetta, B., Laudicina, V.A., Lo Papa, G., Marinari, M., Mocali, S., Rao, M.A., Zaccone, C. (2023) Capitolo 3. Un’agricoltura “amica del suolo” contro la desertificazione. In: Il suolo italiano al tempo della crisi climatica – Rapporto 2023. Re Soil Foundation, pp. 137-142 (ISBN: 979-12-210-4738-7).
- Said-Pullicino, D., Spaccini, R., Zaccone, C. (2022) Capitolo 16. Aspetti di C sequestration. In: Ciavatta, C., Gigliotti, G., Miano, T., Tambone, F., Zaccone, C. (a cura di). Biomasse in agricoltura. Caratterizzazione ed utilizzo sostenibile. Pàtron editore, pp. 321-332 (ISBN: 9788855535649).
- Zaccone, C., Ciavatta, C., Gigliotti, G., Miano, T., Tambone, F. (2022) Riciclo delle biomasse, Green Deal e sviluppo sostenibile. In: Ciavatta, C., Gigliotti, G., Miano, T., Tambone, F., Zaccone, C. (a cura di). Biomasse in agricoltura. Caratterizzazione ed utilizzo sostenibile. Pàtron editore, pp. 13-21 (ISBN: 9788855535649).
- Ciavatta, C., Centemero, M., Toselli, M., Zaccone, C., Senesi, N. (2022) Chapter 13. Compost Production, Analysis and Applications in Agriculture. In: Yang, Y., Keiluweit, M., Senesi, N., Xing, B. (Eds). Multi-scale Biogeochemical Processes in Soil Ecosystems – Critical Reactions and Resilience to Climate Changes. Volume 5. Wiley – IUPAC Series on Biophysico-Chemical Processes in Environmental Systems. pp. 297-321 (ISBN: 9781119480341).
- Caporale, A.G., Zaccone, C. (2020) Chapter 2. Basilicata. In: Adamo, P., Capra, G.F., Vacca, A., Vianello, G. (Eds). Proverbi del suolo/Soil Proverbs, Geoparemiologia, Edizioni dell’Orso, pp. 35-44 (ISSN: 2704-9183; ISBN: 978-88-3613-032-0).
- Plaza, C., Gascó, G., Méndez, A., Zaccone, C., Maestre, F.T. (2018) Chapter 2. Soil organic matter in dryland ecosystems. In: García, C., Nannipieri, P., Hernández, T. (Eds.). The Future of Soil Carbon: Its conservation and formation, Elsevier, pp. 39-70 (ISBN: 978-0-12-811687-6; doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-811687-6.00002-X).
- Zaccone, C., Castellano, C., Miano, T., Balena, P., Bonifazi, A. (2017) Capitolo 3.1. Governo del territorio e “soil conservation”: fattori di rischio di perdita di sostanza organica del suolo in Puglia. In: Torre, C.M., Bonifazi, A., Arcidiacono, A., Ronchi, S., Salata, S. (a cura di). Il consumo di suolo in Puglia – 2017. Rapporti regionali. INU Edizioni, Roma, pp. 279-290 (ISBN: 978-88-7603-160-1) (in Italian).
- Badalucco, L., Laudicina, V.A., Zaccone, C. (2017) Capitolo 12. Suoli particolari. In: Sequi, P., Ciavatta, C., Miano, T. (Coord.). Fondamenti di Chimica del suolo, pp. 235-256. Pàtron editore (ISBN: 978-88-555-3362-1) (in Italian).
- Zaccone, C., Sequi, P. (2017) Capitolo 1. Suolo e ambiente. In: Sequi, P., Ciavatta, C., Miano, T. (Coord.). Fondamenti di Chimica del suolo, pp. 15-25. Pàtron editore (ISBN: 978-88-555-3362-1) (in Italian).
- Zaccone, C., Martin, M., Freppaz, M., Said-Pullicino, D., Celi, L. (2015) Peatlands and organic soils. In: Romeo, Vita, Manuelli, Zanini, Freppaz, Stanchi (Eds). Understanding Mountain Soils: A contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Soils 2015. FAO, Rome, Italy. pp. 67-69 (ISBN: 978-92-5-108804-3).
- Miano, T., D’Orazio, V., Zaccone, C. (2014) Chapter 9. Trace elements and food safety. In: Bini C., Bech J. (Eds.), “PHEs, Environment and Human Health. Potentially harmful elements in the environment and the impact on human health”, pp. 339-370, Springer (print ISBN: 978-94-017-8964-6; on-line ISBN: 978-94-017-8965-3) (doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-8965-3_9).
- Zaccone, C., Pabst, S., Miano, T.M., Shotyk, W. (2013) The fate of mineral particles in bulk peat and corresponding humic acids throughout an ombrotrophic bog profile: atmospheric dust depositions vs. mineralization processes. In: Xu J., Wu J., He Y. (Eds). “Functions of Natural Organic Matter in Changing Environment” – Vol. I, pp. 61-65, Springer (print ISBN: 978-94-007-5633-5; on-line ISBN: 978-94-007-5634-2) (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-5634-2_11).
- Zaccone, C., Cocozza, C., Miano, T.M. (2011) Chapter 9. Phenolic Compounds in Soils. In: Narwal S.S., Szajdak L., Sampietro D.A. (Eds). Research Methods in Plant Science, Vol. 1. Soil Allelochemicals, pp. 199-222, Studium Press LLC (ISBN: 1-933699-65-5; Series ISBN: 1-933699-64-7).
- Cocozza, C., Mininni, C., Zaccone, C., Miano, T., Santamaria, P., Parente, A. (2009) Il processo di compostaggio applicato ai residui di Posidonia spiaggiata. In: Levante (Ed). Il caso dei residui spiaggiati di Posidonia oceanica: da rifiuto a risorsa, pp. 121-139 (ISBN: 978-88-7949-521-9).
- Parente, A., Cocozza, C., Mininni, C., Zaccone, C., Santamaria, P., Miano, T. (2009) Utilizzazione dei residui spiaggiati di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile tal quali e per la produzione di compost. In: La Posidonia oceanica: Protezione, Ripopolazione di praterie e Utilizzazione dei Residui in Agricoltura, pp. 41-61 (ISBN: 978-960-86583-5-6).
- Contento, F., Zaccone, C., Buono, F., Ladisa, G., Grittani, A. (2008) Handbook of Indicators. In: Lacirignola and Notarangelo (Eds). Management Criteria: a handbook for the sustainable management of protected areas in the Adriatic euro-region. IAM Bari, Italy, pp. 109 + Cd-rom (ISBN: 2-85352-402-7).
- Gentile, F., Zaccone, C., Forte, L., Mantino, F., Puglisi, S. (2006) Impiego di briglie filtranti in un torrente della Basilicata e aspetti della rinaturazione indotti dal tipo di intervento. In: Le sistemazioni idraulico-forestali per la difesa del territorio. Nuova Editoriale Bios. Quaderni di Idronomia Montana, 26: 413-423 (ISBN: 88-6093-009-X).
C) Contributions in Conference Proceedings, National and International Journals without Impact Factor > 220
Seminars and invited lectures >65
[last 3 years]
Uso sostenibile dei suoli agrari in uno scenario di cambiamento climatico – Giornata Mondiale del Suolo 2024 “Suolo Vivo, One Health”, Università di Milano, Milano (Italy), 2 December, 2024.
Suolo e arte – Sustainable Art Prize – Paesaggi e arte. Verona (Italy), 8 November, 2024.
Influenza dei cambiamenti climatici sugli stock di carbonio e sulla disponibilità di nutrienti nei suoli agrari – Giornate di alta formazione – Terre di Fumane: Appassimento delle uve e cambiamento climatico. Valpolicella, Verona (Italy), 27-29 June, 2024.
Suolo… e uso sostenibile dei fanghi – Serata informativa per far luce sulle criticità dell’incenerimento dei fanghi e sulle possibili alternative, Verona (Italy), 7 June, 2024.
An attempt to reconstruct the history of the most ancient European farming community using peat cores from the Fiavè mire – Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences, Florence (Italy), May 19-21, 2024.
Soil organic C, … and the IHSS initiative – A European market for circular fertilizers, Waste Management Europe, Bergamo (Italy), 10 April, 2024.
Conoscere il suolo… per un’agricoltura sostenibile e resiliente – Buone pratiche agricole tra analisi del suolo, olivicoltura e viticoltura nel territorio del Garda. Castelnuovo del Garda (Italy), 4 April, 2024.
Gestione del sistema suolo-acqua-coltura: Scienza e tecnologia per un’agricoltura sostenibile e resiliente – Fieragricola 2024, Verona (Italy), 2 February, 2024.
An overview of biochar and its sustainable use in agricultural soils – Università di Bologna, Bologna (Italy), 13 December, 2023.
Uso sostenibile dei suoli agrari in uno scenario di cambiamento climatico – World Soil Day 2023 “Suolo e acqua: fonti di vita”, Università di Ferrara, Ferrara (Italy), 5 December, 2023.
Gestione sostenibile dei suoli agrari in uno scenario di cambiamento climatico – Università degli Studi di Verona – Osservatorio Regionale del Paesaggio, Verona (Italy), 17 November, 2023.
Gestione sostenibile della risorsa suolo in uno scenario di cambiamento climatico – Osservatorio Euro Mediterraneo Mar Nero, online, 16 October, 2023.
Soil and climate change – University of Milano, Milano (Italy), 11 January, 2023.
Conoscere il suolo per una sua gestione sostenibile – Alta Pianura Veneta Land-Reclamation Consortium, Soave (Italy), 21 December, 2022.
Gestione sostenibile dei suoli in agricoltura – Council of the Veneto region, III Commission, Cologna Veneta (Italy), 30 November, 2022.
Soil organic matter accumulation in vineyards as a function of cultivar and parent material – European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 23-27 May, 2022.
Clima e suolo – Umanità e clima: una lunga storia. Vivere, lavorare e produrre sostenibilmente. VIII edizione, online, 30 March, 2022.